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The Beauty in Gratitude

It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, and sometimes it seems like there are endless challenges. But what if you changed your perspective? What if instead of making a list of everything that is wrong, you started with what is right?


Gratitude is a feeling, and a powerful one at that. It can make you feel like the luckiest person on earth and help you get through tough times. You know what makes gratitude even more powerful? Practicing it! Yes! That’s right. Practicing gratitude brings even more happiness

In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. 

So why is gratitude so important? The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. Learning to be grateful is like learning how to ride a bike. You never forget your first time or where you left off, but over time the process becomes easier and more natural because of practice- and every day we wake up with new reasons why being thankful matters!

People who regularly take time out of their days for self-reflection and notice all they have done right experience more positive emotions as well! Grateful people also sleep better than those without a sense of appreciation in their lives – so thank your lucky stars today because this could be just what the doctor ordered…

Gratitude is an attitude, and it’s not just for special occasions. You can feel thankful for something as simple and easy to enjoy, such as a yummy cake! Gratitude should be practiced daily and throughout your everyday life. You can feel thankful every day and manifest more joy in your life by learning how!

It turns out that being thankful is not only good for the soul but also great for physical health! A grateful heart is an open door towards healthy living because when you feel blessed you want others happy

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Get Fit with Rachel
Almost there but still better than no steps. Wow! Being accountable really does push us to do what needs to...
Get Fit with Rachel
Almost there but still better than no steps. Wow! Being accountable really does push us to do what needs to be done. Thanks Rachel 🤗
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